Episode 007

Speaker, Author and Stay At Home Mom Katie Hartfiel

Often times the stage and microphone and cheer of a crowd can seem glamourous. Not that it isn’t a ton of fun! It is. But the real connection between a speaker and their audience can seem lost. When a public speaker began as a youth minister, they tend to miss their “kids”. It just isn’t the same to look out into a sea of teens and feel a bond. There is a different electricity exchanged.

This week’s guest is Katie Hartfiel. And even though she is a sought-after speaker on the Steubenville circuit she still longs to connect with the hearts she touches. Katie not only speaks to thousands of teens she is also the female face of Encounter. A young adult ministry housed by Steubenville. What captures most of Katie’s audiences is her ability to touch the feminine genius in a way that feels like home. She wrote a book about how she prepared for marriage and that has led her in high demand in women’s, Mothers, marriage, and mother/daughter ministries.

Two words to describe this fascinating story: PREGNANT PAUSE


Episode 008


Episode 006