Episode 004

Author Haley Stewart

Watching the TV show Green Acres (1965-1971) definitely gave a sneak peek into what plotlines reality television would choose in years to come. What could be more of a dumpster fire to watch than a bougie-hoity-toity-debutant moving to a farm!?!?!?! How would television ever top that concept??? Oh, they will and they have…but at the time this drastic lifestyle change seemed to capture the audiences of that time. Not to mention the theme song is crazy catchy!

The story of a city girl moving to a farm did become the reality of Haley Stewart. She willingly left comfort behind to discover the magic that only the rural life can produce. Her tales of small quarters and non-plumbing will have you jumping in a SUV heading towards the nearest Starbucks! Or you just might hear some pretty profound lessons that are applicable to wherever you are living your life. Haley is a blogger, author, speaker, and podcaster. She brings a lightness to the current quarantine situation and a reality that…wow…it really could be worse. But the question is would it really or in the end are we blessed?

Two words to describe this fascinating story: OUTHOUSE BUCKET


Episode 005


Episode 003